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Copyright 2024 BALT-HELLIN OÜ (edaspidi ka “BALT-HELLIN”). Kõik õigused kaitstud.

All content (texts, pictures, drawings, files, graphic representations, instructions, etc.) on this BALT-Hellin Internet site is protected by property rights and other property protection laws. This legal protection also applies to databases and other such objects. The content of this website may only be used for the purpose of displaying it on the Internet. Data on this Internet site may not be duplicated, transmitted, re-used, stored, modified, disseminated, used or otherwise made available to third parties in any form outside lawful use and property rights cases without BALT-Hellin’s prior written permission. The page may contain elements protected by property rights and other laws to which third-party property rights apply and which are accordingly protected by property rights in respect of those persons.

Trademarks, product information, company texts

Trademarks, product information, company texts, logos and images on this homepage are protected by trademark and other property protection laws against BALT-Hellin, its affiliate (e)te and, in accordance with this information, against other companies, and therefore may not be applied by users of the homepage in any way to meet personal objectives.


The data on this website was carefully compiled and continuously updated and updated. However, there is no guarantee of correctness, completeness and topicality. BALT-HELLIN provides data for use without warranty or other express or implied liability for their content. Any liability for damage caused, directly or indirectly, by the use of that website and the information contained therein is excluded if it is not caused by THE deliberate conduct or gross negligence of BALT-Hellin. This liability limitation does not apply to damage to life and health.

Links to other pages

THE BALT-Hellin homepage may contain links to pages managed by third parties. BALT-HELLIN takes no responsibility for the content of these third pages.

Data protection

BALT-HELLIN respects your private life. Your personal information, such as name, address, phone number, and email address, is therefore an important data for us to treat in compliance with the relevant laws.

Storage and use of personal data

Without your consent, personal data will not be collected through our website. It is only you who decide whether you will let us know, such as in a survey, registration, award, etc., personal details. We use your personal information primarily to answer your questions, send your requested information or offers, or give you access to their locations. In addition, keeping a customer relationship may require recording, processing, or transferring personal information you provide to an affiliate to better meet your requests, improve our products, or notify you of our offerings. Your personal information is therefore used only to the extent necessary for customer management, product survey, or marketing purposes. Of course, we respect if you don’t want to provide your personal devices to support your customer relationship and notify them by phone or mail. In any case, we will not sell your personal data to third parties and will not allow them to be used in any other way. Our staff and agencies are also obliged not to transmit data and protect your private life.

As part of the technical management of the website, we have taken technical and organisographic measures to protect your data from targeted or accidental manipulation and access by unauthorized third parties and against loss, destruction or alteration of data. We continually optimise this protection in line with technical progress.

Automatically collected non-personal data

As we navigate our website, information that cannot be associated with any particular person is collected automatically from time to time without notification, such as information about the browser used, the number of visits, the average visit time, the pages displayed, the domain name of the visit source website, and so on. We use this non-personal data only to further tailor the attractiveness of our website to our customers’ demands.

Information stored automatically on your computer (cookies)

When you enter our website, information in the form of a cookie may be stored on your computer to automatically recognize it (without personal data) and follow preferences on the next visit, so that we can optimally design our website accordingly. If you don’t want our website to recognize when you visit your computer, you can set up your computer’s Internet browser so that all cookies are deleted, blocked, or shown a warning before saving.


BALT-HELLIN strongly advocates that parents introduce children to safe and responsible handling of personal data online. In doing so, it should be made particularly clear to children that personal data must not be entered on our website without parental consent. BALT-HELLIN does not knowingly collect or use personal data from children in any way.

Obtaining information, questions and remarks

If you have any questions or comments about data protection on our website, especially if you want to see and/or actualize your personal information, please contact us at this email address or by mail.